
BladeDAO will be partnering up with the team at EZSwap for the genesis DegenBook NFT mint.

There will only be 2,000 DegenBooks in circulation, so players are encouraged to secure their DegenBooks to gain access to LOV when it launches.

Mint Details

  • Contract Address: TBA

  • Chain: ETH Mainnet

  • Mint Price: FREE

PhaseGroupAboutMint DateMint Qty

Phase I


Any wallet is eligible to mint during this period. Limited to 2 DegenBook per wallet.

18 May 2023


Phase II

Whitelist 1 free mint per wallet

Wallets that won a guaranteed spot. Show up anytime in this window and easily mint your DegenBook. If you don’t mint during this time, your NFT may be claimed by someone on the raffle list.

18 May 2023


Phase III

Raffle Mint

The reward for our active community members - extra raffle mints. To participate, complete the engagement quests including retweet & tag 3 friends and join our Discord. Raffled participants can claim 1 NFT. The Raffle phase is about involvement, participation, and a chance to contribute to our growing ecosystem.

20 May 2023


Last updated