Why zkSync

BladeDAO firmly believes in zero-knowledge technology and its application in the future of gaming and can’t wait to roll out a zk-powered, community-driven experience.

A zk-Enabled Gaming Experience

LoV will utilize zero-knowledge proof-enabled shuffles, homomorphic encryptions and zkp batching (validity proofs) to unlock new ways for players to engage in battles. The above-mentioned technology will primarily enable two game features:

  1. Verifiable randomness Ensures the validity of player actions and the game's fairness.

  2. Hidden information/fog of war

    Opens up a whole new level of gameplay where players can ambush/be ambushed by other players β€” forcing players to make one of three choices:

    1. Battle without extra information: No cost, at the expense of suffering heavy losses.

    2. Battle strategically: Reveal some information through a fee paid to the opponent.

    3. Retreat from the battle: Abandon and leave your loot behind.


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